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Monster Bean Bag Toss Game

easy to make kids game monster

We put this together in under an hour, not counting drying time, when we needed a game for a Halloween Party.

For the bean bags, we poured dried beans into socks and tied them closed with elastic bands.

What you will need :

A large cardboard box


for the monsters .

, used with adult supervision if needed.

, used with adult supervision if needed.

Preparing the Box

Open the box's flaps on one end. With the box resting on its open end, paint the sides and top with black paint. (Black will help to make the colors of the monster faces seem to 'pop' out more.)

While the paint dries, figure out where you will place the monster faces. You will want the monster mouths to be of slightly different sizes and shapes to make the game more interesting.


Using a brush and some colored paint, sketch in the monster faces. Let dry.

Monster Mouths

Once the box is completely dry, use the utility scissors to cut out the mouths. Younger children should be supervised during this step.

Paint in the monster faces. Put down darker colors first, then add lighter colors for the highlights.

Cut jagged teeth out of strips of colored felt. Because felt is flexible, the strips of teeth will curve around to fit the outlines of the monsters' mouths. Glue the felt teeth to the inside of the box behind the mouth openings.

Fold the flaps at the bottom of the box closed so that the bean bag toss is more stable.

monster cat bean bag game

After the Halloween Party, Nikos the Tabby adopted the monster box as one of his favorite napping places..

Thank you to all the writers, bloggers, newsletters and magazines that credit and acknowledge when you adapt or quote an idea or tutorial from my website.

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